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Centraline Oleodinamiche modulari

Se siete un partner Hydronit, contattateci all’indirizzo . per visualizzare e scaricare anche la documentazione tecnica e di marketing.

Incontriamoci al Bauma München

Hydronit at BAUMA München 2022

Come and meet Hydronit team at Bauma exhibition, from October 24th to 30th.

Hydronit booth: at Federtec Hall A3, Stand 425

Eima International

Dal 12 al 16 novembre venite a trovarci all’Eima di Bologna, l’esposizione internazionale delle macchine…

Electropumps Catalog

The Hydraulic Electropumps catalog is now available in English. Motori, flange, pompe e accessori della serie DC Bull sono presentati con specifiche tecniche complete. Richiedi subito il catalogo cartaceo al nostro Sales Team scrivendo a oppure scaricalo dal nostro sito aziendale nella pagina Catalogo.

Hydronit compete

Il mondo delle corse rally si tinge del colore di Hydronit. Car, sportswear and inventory of VS Team racing report the corporate brand thanks to a collaboration which promises to last a long time.

The Trofeo Clio R3 Pino Racing team, with the Comasco team made up of Marco Asnaghi and Maurizio Castelli, has already competed in the Elbe and Taro National Rally and is preparing for the 13/14 Pre-Alps in June.

“We chose to be a sponsor of a rally team-says Andrea Gambusera, owner of Hydronit – because our company is intimately connected with the automotive industry, and not only for the products in the catalogue. Consistent with mission inspired by the permanent innovation, we are proud, for example, to have a part in the production of a unique vertical door opening mechanism for a prototype “.