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Hydronit compete

Il mondo delle corse rally si tinge del colore di Hydronit. Car, sportswear and inventory of VS Team racing report the corporate brand thanks to a collaboration which promises to last a long time. The Trofeo Clio R3 Pino Racing team, with the Comasco team made up of Marco Asnaghi and Maurizio Castelli, has already […]

Electropumps Catalog

Hydronit epb_catalog Electropumps Catalog  hydronit

The Hydraulic Electropumps catalog is now available in English. Motori, flange, pompe e accessori della serie DC Bull sono presentati con specifiche tecniche complete. Richiedi subito il catalogo cartaceo al nostro Sales Team scrivendo a oppure scaricalo dal nostro sito aziendale nella pagina Catalogo.

Eima International

Dal 12 al 16 novembre venite a trovarci all’Eima di Bologna, l’esposizione internazionale delle macchine…

Hydronit at Maker Faire

Hydronit the staff at Maker Faire 2014 with Fulvio Palmieri, professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Roma Tre.

Incontriamoci al Bauma München

Hydronit at BAUMA München 2022 Come and meet Hydronit team at Bauma exhibition, from October 24th to 30th. Hydronit booth: at Federtec Hall A3, Stand 425

Hydronit sustainability principles – NO LEAD aluminum bars

Varedo, 30th March 2021 We are all aware of lead toxicity and its nasty effects on human health. World Health Organization has identified lead as 1 of 10 chemicals of major public health concern as lead poisoning is responsible of several diseases. It is even believed lead to be primarily responsible for the collapse of […]

Hydronit invented the first Hydraulic Compact Smart Power Unit. But… what makes it Smart?

Varedo, 6th April 2021 Hydronit invented the first Hydraulic Compact Smart Power Unit. But… what makes it Smart? The Smart Power Unit is a Mechatronic Module which integrates Sensors, Electronics and Hydraulics in a single device that is: safe (safety Architecture SIL2) self diagnosed (with integrated accelerometer and pressure, speed and temperature sensors) programmable (with […]